7up Cocktail Exotique 330ml
Seven up Cocktail Exotique is a refreshing non-alcoholic drink with an exotic flavour that is the result of the combination of pineapple, passion fruit and lime. 7up transforms its legendary taste into a truly irresistible cocktail. Ideal to enjoy chilled or iced.rink.
The 7UP Mojito soda is a refreshing and delicious drink that combines the classic taste of 7UP with a touch of mint and lime, creating a unique and refreshing flavor experience.
This soda is perfect for any occasion, whether it’s to enjoy on a hot summer afternoon or to accompany a dinner with friends and family. Its smooth and refreshing taste makes it ideal for any palate.
The 7UP Mojito is a non-alcoholic drink, making it perfect for those looking for a refreshing and non-alcoholic option. In addition, its low calorie content makes it ideal for those looking to watch their figure without sacrificing flavor.
This soda comes in a 330 ml glass bottle, making it easy to transport and perfect to take with you anywhere. In addition, its modern and attractive design makes it ideal for any occasion, from a formal dinner to a casual gathering with friends.
The 7UP Mojito is a high quality drink, made with carefully selected ingredients to ensure its taste and quality. In addition, its production process guarantees that each bottle has the same taste and quality, making it ideal for those looking for a consistent and high quality drink.
In summary, the 7UP Mojito is a refreshing and delicious drink that combines the classic taste of 7UP with a touch of mint and lime, creating a unique and refreshing flavor experience. It’s perfect for any occasion, whether it’s to enjoy on a hot summer afternoon or to accompany a dinner with friends and family. In addition, its low calorie content makes it ideal for those looking to watch their figure without sacrificing flavor.